Throughout my life media has always been a big part, but I think that Internet media has become a big part of the media world. It started off with Myspace, connecting people from all around the world together to be "friends" so you can talk, look at pictures and make new friends. There were millions of people all around the world that were and still are on Myspace, people were following the social norm for that time period.
Then, YouTube came about, it skyrocketed video sharing throughout the world. It is free to sign up and you can put up any video you want as long as it does not show too much skin. There are probably over a billion videos on YouTube right now, think about it, there are probably more videos online than there are people in the world. That is kind of crazy.
As Myspace seemed to fall from the top spot in the United States Facebook popped up to be the new Internet media sensation and take the spotlight from Myspace. Facebook is the sensation that does what Myspace did but goes above and beyond what Myspace couldn't do. Facebook allows people to keep in touch on a more personal level, and pretty much "creep" on what their friends are doing throughout the day and in their lives. It is pretty much like talking to someone who is a friend or an acquaintance and figure out pretty much anything you every wanted to know about them. It is also a good way to meet and connect with people in the real world and the job world. Another thing that popped up and made talking with friedns so much easier is Texting. It has made it easier to get ahold of someone if you don't have enough time to call them. It is quick and a lot easier than calling someone and everything else. Texting has made a huge impact on people in the world especially on those who are in junior high, high school and college. Kids these days find it a better way to get a hold of their friends especially when they are in class and supposed to be doing homework haha. But seriously, texting is another thing that has changed the media world.
At the same time Flickr, Twitter and Blogs started showing up. Flickr is photo sharing, hundreds of thousands of people put up their pictures that can be accessed by anyone online. I don't use Flickr, so I don't really understand it all that much but I hear it is a good thing to be a part of if you want to get travel photos out on the internet. I think that blogs are a pretty legitimate, they let people speak their mind on pretty much any issue that is at hand or really anything that you can think of (like what I am doing right now). Twitter is something that allows people to "follow" their friends, family members, celebrities, even local newspapers and news stations. You get to put up a "status" of how you are feeling or what you are doing, you can also add links to websites and also pictures. I just recently joined Twitter and I like it so far, I like to see all the stuff that people have to say and what pictures they put up. It's a lot of fun.
The best thing about all of these programs are that you can sign up for FREE. Making all of these free was a really good idea, it gives people the opportunity to do what that want to, not having to pay anything for it. As of right now there are a lot of things that have to do with media but I think that as the media world evolves there will be more and more things that come up and make the media better than it is right now.
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